Monday, September 13, 2010

RAK 17/32

I belong to a couple of different forums online and I found out about this story from one of those sites. I don't know if I am touched by her story because she is a month younger than Chloe, or maybe it's because her name is Khloe, or maybe it's just because she's cute as a button, but reading her story just broke my heart. Khloe was born with many defects, and right now she is fighting for her life. Her family is amazingly strong and faithful, and whether Khloe makes it out of the hospital or not, they will be left with astronomical medical bills. Khloe has had a rough week, but the past couple of days have been very encouraging!

I urge everyone who reads this to, at the very least, pray for her, her family and the medical staff caring for her. Or you can follow my lead and if you feel led to commit your own random act of kindness, donate anything you can to help her family pay for her medical care. You can donate by going to this website:

You can stay updated on her fight for her life by visiting: http//

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