Monday, November 22, 2010

Knocking on Wood

Do I dare even say it? Tonight was the second night in a row that Tucker went to bed by himself without so much as a wimper!

I have posted about his bedtime issues/separation anxiety issues before. We have tried technique after technique, to no avail. I was up Googling "Toddler Sleep Problems" late at night last week and came across a youtube video of a new technique. The youtube video was just a teaser that eventually led me to a website where I paid $10 to view the actual technique. It also had a money back guarantee, so I figured I really had nothing to lose.

Wow. It was so simple. And drama free. And effective. I am at a loss for words and so grateful! I only hope it continues to work for us!


  1. YAHOOOOOO!!! That's great news. And, clearly I am going to need to hear about this technique. You may just aid half of Mulvane into a better night's sleep! ;)

  2. does it involve benadryl? *just kidding*
