Sunday, March 14, 2010


We have been married for six and a half years and have been to church together maybe ten times, twelve if you count our rehearsal and wedding day. Sad. Partly due to laziness, partly due to having different preferences in worship style; I enjoy a contemporary service while Ryan prefers a more traditional style. Excuses.

Last week while simultaneously nursing Chloe and perusing the internet (yes, I am that talented), I decided to check out the website of a local church I had heard about. The church seemed to match my beliefs and I felt confident in their nursery procedure, which is hugely important to me as strangers have never watched my kids. I made a mental note to mention the church to Ryan later.

I went downstairs after Chloe was asleep and immediately Ryan asked me if I wanted to go to church the next day. I was dumbfounded. If that wasn't God telling us something, then I don't know what it was! I told him I had *just* looked at a website of a church I was interested in.

The next morning, we loaded up the kids and headed off to our first service at the new church. We successfully checked Tucker and Chloe into the nursery and escaped without any drama from either of them. The praise music was a bit much for us, very loud and very contemporary...even for me. But the message! LOVED the message! Pastor is currently preaching on "You're Dead, Now What?"; a series about the afterlife. Ryan has had a lot of questions about Heaven and Hell since his Grandad died, and even though I was raised in the church, I have been unable to confidently and completely answer his questions. God knew we needed a church, God knew the questions in Ryan's heart, and God led us to this church, I am certain of it.

As I said, I was raised in the church, but honestly I pretty much never looked forward to going. I wanted to sleep in, I didn't want to get dressed up, I felt socially awkward in youth group, I couldn't pay attention to the sermon, my list could go on and on. And I certainly never thought about church mid-week! I think those days are gone, because all week I looked forward to today when I could go back and listen to another message. How awesome is that?

Yep, I think I can look past the too loud, too contemporary music. God called us to this church for a reason and He has some big plans for us as a family, I'm certain of it.

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