Saturday, December 18, 2010

Well-Versed in MER

Mer is a word my sister, our friend Sara and I kind of "invented" in high school. What is hilarious about it, is that we have our families, friends, co-workers, husbands, and children using the word, too. It really should be a part of the Urban Dictionary, if you ask me. What does Mer mean? Nothing, and everything, all in one. Mer's connotation hinges on the tone and inflection given when saying it. Clear as mud? Let me try to help...

(disclaimer: these are just examples and in no way are meant to completely define each Mer).

Mer! (angry)=You are not going to believe this crap!
Mer. (emotionless)=I'm bored; Hi; Conversation space-filler; I'm done talking, time to hang up.
Mer? (lighthearted tone)=Is it really you? It's about time we talked!
Mer! (pain)=Holy crap, that hurt!
Mer! (irritated and annoyed)=Ugh, why don't you get what I am trying to say?!
Mer! (disgusted)=That has to be the stinkiest diaper I have ever changed!
Mer! (excited)=Yum! Chocolate!
Mer! (judgmental sarcasm)=omgIcan'tbelievethatcameltoewalkingourway.

To know Mer is to love Mer. You must try it to love it.


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