Monday, March 14, 2011

We Interrupt This Saga....

with a quick post about my latest read. Yes, it's only March 14th and I've already read March's book! Well, I skimmed a lot of it because I found out it really wasn't what I was looking for. The book was The New Strong-Willed Child by Dr. James Dobson.

I wanted to read it to help shed light on Mr. Tucker Shay's stubborness and strong willed nature. Come to find out, my definition of "strong-willed" and the type of child the book addresses are world's apart. I did pick up some helpful general parenting tips, but otherwise I didn't really feel like the book pertained to us.

I know that was a really crappy synopsis and book review, but there it is. Just didn't really get into it, but I am totally excited about my next read!

The next chapter of my weight loss journey coming soon! (if anyone is even reading, haha).


  1. The strong-willed child in there is pretty extreme, isn't he? I've not read it cover to cover, but skimmed through it, as well. And thanked my lucky stars I do not have a "strong-willed child"! ;)

  2. I am totally reading!! Looking forward to continuing on your journey with you. :-)
